Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

A Fata Morgana 5

Thursday 04 August 2011,

Today is my second sons birthday, I thank to the Lord for blessing him with good health and education. He is not a kind of reactive person but often stay being calm when something happens to him. In at so many times I have to ask him whether he needed help from me. The answer is often “no thank you I can handle it.” He is quite different from his elder brother who is more reactive and even sensitive in taking action. As a father I love them with sincere no matter what attitude they act in live. Because I know that love will overcome any difficulties and the deficiencies.

I wanted to teach them how to live with others in harmony by being a giver. They have to mobilize and sharpen their talents and integrated them as their individual characters both mentally and physically so that they can share something purely and originally from their own, not using other idea or concept. They have to exercise critical thinking and make up their own mind, at the same time stay away from being a follower. Of course, others’ opinion can be used as references. It will make their contribution be unique and needed by others to complement the gap.

Then from this thought I found that living harmony with other needs to share yours uniquely. If you do something like copying someone else attitude then you will arrive at situation where you become competitors or follower. Be competitors was not always bad because we need to fight for winning something, but being competitor in a team could weaken the team itself. No one can get benefit from it.

I asked my daughter to congratulate her brother on his birthday, but she refused to call him at that time since she was very sure that his brother was still sleeping. I agree with her and let her call him later. I have learnt from her answer was if we love someone we should know his or her habits and characters.

This morning my daughter left for school a little bit late since her school car came late. I showed her nervous and I came to her saying not to worry so much it was no problem to be late sometime but not so often. She is a kind of person who is easily be nervous if something happened not in order, however in real live we often went through something which are not always in order. Then I realized that we have to prepare ourselves to face and unplanned condition and ready to take a risk. It will put us away from being stressed that could increase our adrenaline.

I just got call from my colleague in RSUP Cipto Mangunkusumu that someone that I first supported to get help from donator for his face tumor has already gotten a medical operation. I hope he could recover soon and feel confidence of him self. I am so surprised with the fact that an initiative to do something helpful (in this case to raise fund) could save someone life from being hopeless. I believe if most people try to do their best to take an initiative to do something helpful, we, as nation, could be away from being poor among the some rich man, hungry, unfair justice, and unfair live, unfriendly environment.

I want to stop here since I have to do something else for work. I will always remind my self of being a giver with my whole heart, soul and mind and power and let a Fata Morgana challenge me to run more a more.

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

A Fata Morgana 4

Wednesday, 03 August 2011
I was a little bit thrilled when I realize that I have something to develop in my imaginary workshop of Fata Morgana. As usual I often start doing something and after that I just let it be like that or change to start doing something else. I have to stop it and do something different. I determined to keep writing every day no matter it is a good idea or not; or good English or not.
Any way, this morning I have sent three emails to my colleagues asking for some information regarding Small Medium Sized Reactors (SMR) Assessment. The small size reactor is defined as the reactor with nominal power of less than 300 MW electric, where as the medium size reactor has nominal power within 300 to 700 MW electric.
This reactor was designed to fulfill the demand of energy of small countries which have a limited in economics, energy need s and electric grid network. For Indonesia itself, we have a lot of small islands that are still lack of electricity. Right now I am in charge in assessing the technology to select which ones of them are the most appropriate for Indonesia’s remote island.

First of all the team of Assessment has set up the national criteria to select the technology. The criteria was derived from a document of common user consideration (CUC) published by International atomic nuclear energy and some detail information from EUR Standard. The criteria cover the requirement for site, reactor size, reactor technology, proven technology, environmental aspect, proliferation resistance, physical protection, infrastructure, constructability, maintainability, availability.
The second is to study the available technology of SMR in all over the world. Luckily there are a lot of studies that provide information on the status of SMR. I know someone who is intensively working on SMR technology in international Agency. He is Mr. Vladimir Kuznetsov, a scientist from Russia. He left Agency at the end of 2010. And this is something that we should be proud of; his successor is Dr. Subki from Indonesia. He is a talented and hardworking man and taking care of his friends so much. I work with him during my service as CFE in 2010 in International Atomic Energy Agency. The available SMRs include KLT-40S, VBER-300, ABV, SVBR-100 (Russia) CAREM-25 (Argentina), SMART (Korea), NuScale, mPower, IRIS, New Hyperion (USA), HTR-PM (China), AHWR (India) and $S (Japan) and other SMR type.
The third is to assess the appropriateness of available technology to the national criteria and do weighting and score the satisfaction level. Finally we found six types of SMR to further investigation for future Feasibility Study assessment. Of course I do not have intention to list them here for securing the information.
What I really like from this SMR is its potential to reduce capital cost due its small size, suitability of use in smaller grid, the stated intention to use more passive safety and developing non-electrical application such as desalination, gasification, hydrogen production and etc. By using passive safety system, the SMR become safer since it allows some grace period to handling itself when an accident occurs.
I keep repeating mentioning that as the fourth rank population and developing country, Indonesia will consume so much energy in the future. The fact that now Indonesia had resigned from OPEC and became a net importer oil country should have warned us that our energy has been started to be diminished. Alternative resources should be provided as soon as possible before we come to the situation of energy chaos that makes us be far away from nation welfare like the Fata Morgana.

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

A Fata Morgana 3

Tuesday 02082011

When I woke up this morning first I praised and thank to the Lord for his protection and giving me a good rest. During this morning pray I suddenly was reminded to someone that I always respect so much. For me he is my model and tutor. He was my first boss when I start working in nuclear agency. He is a typical of hard working person and focus. What I learnt from him was that his physical body and mind was always integrated and fresh and his contribution was clear. It did not mean that he only did limited works so that he could focus himself, but whatever he did he did them perfectly. He has an excellent talent in memorizing.

Sometime people could not realize that they could dig their potential talent by diligently exercising their simple capability. They are often occupied by the desire to complete their works immediately and get the reward soon. If they got difficulty then they started to find other alternatives or other approach which were easier or blame others. If it happened, when they could build their optimum capability?

I mentioned this not because I have been successful to build my own success but instead it was because I have failed to integrate of what I have worked on. Of course there were so many reasons why this unorganized capability happened, such as to meet economics demand of family. I do not want to blame myself so much.

But now, will I stay in such situation? No I have to make a change and breakthrough to integrate what I have worked on nuclear technology and environment and make myself be a source. Again I have to be carefully check my motivation, will it be for taking a proud of myself or to really package my simple knowledge for real contribution to people and environment?

I want to make myself clear, as a nuclear and environment engineer in Indonesia what is my real contribution? It is not an easy answer for me since I myself have a limited skill and capability compare to my colleagues. But please allow me to be part of them who are now working to propose nuclear energy as part of national energy mix program for future sustainable energy resources in Indonesia. I realized, of course, there are still many people do not agree with using nuclear energy as part of energy resources but in my opinion soon or later we need it.

Therefore my contribution is this, to let people know how nuclear energy was developed under fundamental nuclear safety principle with an objective of protecting people and environment from harmful effect of ionizing radiation. This objective shall be demonstrated in administrative and technical aspect of deploying nuclear power plant as it is described in general and specific safety requirement and safety guide.

In order to achieve safe, secure, clean and non-proliferation use of a nuclear energy, a country should follow three phases of NPP infrastructure development i.e. phase 1 as a preparatory work to achieve knowledgeable commitment to nuclear program; phase 2 as a preparatory work to invite bid for construction and phase 3 as a construction and operational work. Each phase should consider 19 issues of infrastructure development i.e. National position, safety, management, regulation framework, legislative frameworks, safeguards, environment aspect, emergency planning, physical protection, radiation protection, fuel cycle, waste, industrial involvement, stakeholder involvement, human resources development, etc.

During the phase 1 a pre feasibility was develop to show how feasible is nuclear energy in term of energy demand and supply, economics and financing, site characterization, technology used, environment protection, project management and etc. This study will be used for policy decision making purpose, whereas more detail Feasibility study was performed to show more detail technical aspect needed for developing technical Bid Information Specification.

A comprehensive and holistic study on how sustain is nuclear energy system built in one country was seriously needed by implementing an assessment on safety of reactor and nuclear fuel cycle, physical protection, economics, infrastructure, proliferation resistance, and environment. Therefore, by following the infrastructure development phases in milestone approach, pre feasibility study and feasibility study and nuclear energy system assessment, an objective of nuclear safety principle to protect people and environment can be achieved.

I believe one day we need nuclear energy as part of our national energy mix policy to fulfill our sustainable development demand for our next generation, or will it be a Fata Morgana? The answer is yours, mine is to prepare myself to be part of the safe, secure, clean and non-proliferation used of nuclear technology development in our beloved country and to appreciate someone to whom I always learn about integrity and focus.

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

A Fata Morgana (continuation)

Monday 01082011

Today is the first day of fasting month for all my Muslim colleagues. I sent a message of wishing a successful fasting worship to them this morning. I clearly understand how the fasting practice means to the growing of their faith and even to develop their personal religious character for life. How lucky is our country for having religious citizens, not just for Muslim, but also for other religion.

When I was working as a cost free expert at International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna I met so many people from all over the world with their own expertise and experiences. I really admire their attitude on taking care of their technical capability as world class expert. I did not know whether they develop such behavior because of their religion motivation or their own desired, but it works in producing something useful professionally. One of my Indonesian friends (Dr. Subki) who works as nuclear professional who sit only next door to me often mentioned that as religious people we have an extra motivation to do our work in where we work as worshiping to God.
However, in reality many of us are still not able to optimally use our talent and capability. It might be because of lacking of serious intention on national common goal among stakeholders such political parties, legislative, executive and judicative organization. They tend to focus on preserving their power position not on representing their voters. They do not even hesitate to sacrifice the public that they represented. Their focus is on achieving their own personal goal. There were so many corruptions, tax abusing, justice abusing and governmental misconduct. I do not say that we are hopeless but at least we are aware on what just happen in our country that makes us be difficult in developing national welfare. We still have hundreds millions citizen that still have good capability to develop the nation even though they are still hidden. How to raise these hidden potential is really a serious homework for those who want to see our nation resplendent?

First of all, be focus on national welfare instead of power struggling. There must be volunteers that take action on leading these activities such as Engineers, Scientist and Non Governmental Organization in various fields. They have to voice loudly with their prediction and estimation on energy, food starving, clean water, environment, national defend, infrastructure development and etc. Currently, only politician and sometimes a radical group dominates mass media discussions and raises the topics around corruptions, governmental misconduct, and radical group domination over minority. They both are really contradictive.

Secondly, be united with an eagerness to solve real nation problem. It could be started from government institution that performs research and development and strategic planning in various fields including in using nuclear technology for public welfare. What they produce should be able to solve the nation problem. Some R&D produced somethings just for R&D sake forgetting the implementation of their results in the market demand.

Thirdly, let the education should become a mandatory requirement for a citizenship of Indonesian people. There is no reason to let higher education school become luxury things that allow only medium to up level people be able to afford it. This unfair condition could force low economics level citizen live without enough hopes. It might trigger various radical movements. Government should take a responsibility to educate people and control using higher education as commercial goods by private foundation.

A lot of other activities can be added to achieve a public welfare but I want to stop in these three aspects only as my contribution to answer the question “will the public welfare be a Fata Morgana in Indonesia?” The answer is no, we can make it realistic. It is not a dream but strategic planning. I wish you all a successful fasting worship.